7 Things To Do With Your Email Marketing
Email is one of the strongest marketing weapons these days. Throughout the years, email marketing has evolved and improved as a marketing platform. NOW is undoubtedly the most effective time for digital marketers to be aware of the contemporary email marketing trends for more success, better business engagement and improvement of sales.
Content Vs Context
The necessity of content is undeniable. But that is not the only factor to keep your eye on, not any more. Context Marketing is already in. With time, email marketing is becoming more real-time and context-based. In this case, campaigns are designed evolving a particular issue or project that interests the reader. Decisions are made based on buyer’s personas of prospective customers.
Engaging Email Content
Email marketing is becoming more conversational and personalized. The cluster of terms and statistics are not as engaging as customized audience-specific marketing emails. It generates better attention of prospects and real-time conversation becomes easier.
Keep a Safe Distance
Yes, closeness is necessary. But this is not always charming for all audiences. Email users these days know that the “only for him/her” emails are sent with the intention of getting subscription or trumpeting the effectiveness of a product. So, don’t forget to find new ways as well.
Mark the leads
Effective and planned email marketing can actively help in lead scoring. With the help of proper email marketing, marketers can identify the specific group of leads that might become customers in recent future. With the right analysis of email marketing performance data (like- email open rate, email interaction, social media share, etc.) helps to track and understand leads’online behaviour, interests and disinterests.
Automated marketing
With the constant rise of technology, email marketing is also growing. Automated email campaigning has taken a whole new shape creating more scope for audience engagement.There are numerous automation tools that have taken email campaigning to a whole new level. No one needs to spend days, performing the same tasks again and again. With the right marketing automation tools, these are just a piece of cake.
Keep It Mobile-friendly
Use of smartphones, tabs, iPad and other portable communication-related gadgets are continuously increasing. Most email users around the world access their accounts regularly through smartphones. Therefore, you have to design marketing emails differently for these pocket-friendly gadgets. Make sure the content is easily readable through a smartphone and equally engaging.
Sparkle of Animations
One of the current trends in email marketing is an active use of graphics and animations. It is a proven fact that use of animation amplifies email readability and engagement. You have to engage and convert your reader through the email. So you have to choose a pattern of content that can help you build the engagement easily. Only putting facts, figures and clustering the mail with text are definitely not going to be helpful.
With the continuous increase of the digital marketing tools and platform numbers, email marketing has to flourish even more with the upcoming times. It is a proven fact that email is one of the most effective and most reachable platforms for digital marketing. So enhance the effectiveness of this marketing genre to reach maximum targeted customers.